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An account is a cryptographically bound pair of a public and a private keys on the blockchain.

Accounts unambiguously correlate transactions and orders with their senders.

Account public and private keys

Private and public keys have the same size — 32 bytes. The bytes of the keys are converted to a Base58 character string; in this form, the keys are displayed in the interfaces of programs.

Example of a public key in Base58:


Example of a private key in Base58:


An account owner is an owner of both account keys at the same time: both public and private.

Transaction digital signature

All transactions have a single sender; the only exception is genesis transactions — they do not have a sender.

A transaction contains the sender’s public key. Before sending the transaction, the sender signs it with his private key. The account that signed the transaction is called the transaction sender. The signature that results from signing the transaction is called the transaction digital signature. If account Y is the sender of the transaction, it is said that the transaction was sent from account Y.

The transaction is sent to the blockchain network along with its digital signature. The digital signature and the sender’s public key are used to verify the authenticity of the transaction data.

Account balance

An account may store different tokens in different amounts. The amount of the token on the account is called the account balance in this token.

Account address

Each account has a single address.

Example of address in Base58:


When transferring a token from one account to another, instead of using the public key of the recipient, its address or alias is used.

Scripted account

Using the set script transaction you can attach a script to the account. An account with a script attached to it is called a scripted account. An account without a script is called a simple account.

There are two types of scripts that can be attached to an account: an account script and a dApp script. The account to which an account script is attached is called a smart account. An account with dApp script attached to it is called a dApp.

Account data storage

Each account has an account data storage that stores data records in key-value format.

The account data storage serves as a database for the information that is associated with the account.